Kent, Surrey & Sussex Labrador Retriever Club
The Club runs an Open Show with Obedience in early January, another in September, plus a Championship Show in March. There are also frequent seasonable Working and Field Trial activities.
Our annual Year Book is published in time for Crufts in mid-March, and if not collected will be posted to you. This contains a record of all our activities during the preceding year, together with interesting original articles and reviews from many of the Country’s leading kennels. This Year Book is an excellent reference book and is available to all members free of charge.
In addition, a Newsletter is produced twice yearly to keep members up to date with the latest news, and we welcome any items for inclusion.
On the lighter side, an annual Inter-Club Match is run so the members may compete in a much more relaxed atmosphere. Also, normally in October we hold an annual social evening. In the past this has taken form of an interesting lecture or general quiz, and is followed by a buffet supper.
There is a very active Puppy Register, through which Breeders can be put in touch with potential buyers for their puppies. A small charge is made for each litter – not per dog. It is mandatory for both Sire and Dam to have had their hips x-rayed and scored and hold current clear eye examination certificates, issued under the KC/BVA scheme. Only members may advertise their puppies through this service.
If I can be of any help to you, then please do not hesitate to contact me at:
Fees £10 Single/£12 Joint due 1st January Annually
The club run gundog working tests, training classes, shows and other events and all new members are able to receive information on these activities as soon as the committee has approved your application for membership.
However, the committee has decided that all persons applying for memberships, which include information on Gundog Field Trials MUST be personally known to a member of the committee or be proposed and seconded by two other current members who are prepared to specifically recommend them for this activity. Examples of suitable proposers and seconders might be existing experienced field trial members. This is because Field Trial venues are extremely difficult to find and, as the Club is a guest at these events, it is essential that those attending are well versed in the format of the day and the code of behaviour which must be followed. Furthermore, it is essential that all dogs entered must have been trained to the required standard.
If you have difficulty fulfilling the above criteria, material on all other working activities will still be sent, and over time this should help you to train your dog to the required standard for field trials, should this be your aim. Further information regarding your experience can be supplied at any time to the Field Trial Secretary, and will be placed before the committee at their next meeting for consideration.