Kent, Surrey & Sussex Labrador Retriever Club
Open Show 6th Feb 2022 Bletchingley Village Hall, Surrey
, 2022
Bletchingley Village Hall, Surrey
Photos by Linda Grinham
Thank you to the Officers and Committee for inviting me to
judge their Club Breed Open Show, my stewards Pam and
Barbara for keeping the show on the road and most
importantly thank you to the exhibitors for showing their
lovely dogs under me and accepting my decisions so
sportingly. I always believe that a breed is in a good place
when there is depth of quality in the bitches – I feel the
future is good with this breed in terms of quality.
Best in show was Venturi Rose’s Leospring East Tennessee;
RBIS and RBB was Double and Harris’ Willowrush Ramsholt Flo; BD, Clanfield Rosy
Outlook; BPIS, Hodge’s Naiken Glass Slippers; RBPIS, Baileydale Puff Daddy JW BVIS was
Linjor Sessile Oak at Ravoakar.
Judge, Michael Masters
Karen Bambrook’s best veteran, Linjor Sessil
Oak at Ravoakar; Joy Venturi Rose’s Leospring
East Tennessee; RBIS and RBB was Joyce Harris’
Willowrush Ramsholt Flo; BPIS was Jackie Becci
Hodge’s Naiken Glass Slippers.
MPD (4,2 abs) 1 Coode’s
Streamanda Balla Balla with
Warringah, chocolate with
appealing head, correctly angled
front with adequate depth for age.
Well developed hind quarters,
moved sound covering the ground
with ease; 2 Elliott’s Cremino
Country Trader at Lyndham,
attractive yellow with masculine
head. Good front and well ribbed
for one so young. Holds a good
topline on the move. Not so
positive moving away as 1.
PD (5,3) 1 Metcalfe’s Baileydale
Puff Daddy JW, I found this black
to be very balanced in outline,
masculine head, good eye shape
and colour. Excels in front
assembly with good depth to
brisket, well ribbed and thick well
muscled hind quarters. Held a
level topline on the move, correct
otter tail well set on. Topped off with a quality shiny jacket. Moved sound. BPD;
2 S Balla Balla with W.
JD (6,3) 1 Mount’s Buckholt Imber Court Jester, very immature black with lots more
to come, not a big one but beautifully made with such great balance. Appealing head
and strong front construction with well developed rib and depth through and with
width over the rear that I was looking for. Moved sound with the desired reach and
drive; 2 Rowley’s Treantagh Hot Spell, yellow lad with well made front and mature in
rib, not the head of 1. Moving erratic on the move today and could carry more
bodyweight to advantage; 3 King’s Linthwaite Theodore.
MD (0).
ND (3,1) 1 Bardsley’s Meadovillabs Stark at Amadies, young black with masculine
head of good proportions. Well made front with depth and well developed rib. Loved
his reach and drive holding a firm topline; 2 Mount’s Buckholt Hornpiper Hector,
Very different type yellow that needs to mature and tighten throughout. Not the body
or topline of 1.
GD (7,2) 1 Sadler’s Talifen Gentleman Jack, this boy won this class with some to
spare. Masculine head with good pigmentation. Strong in front with good depth and
carrying correct bodyweight. I really liked his balance in profile on the move with level
top line. Sound fore and aft; 2 Newman’s Creamwood Silver Hawthorn, found this
lad a tad weighty today which spoilt his side gait. Masculine head with well made
BIS was Joy Venturi Rose’s Leospring East Tennessee
with judge Michael Master.
front construction. Not so
together as 1; 3 Hill’s
Kimbajak Full Golden
Monty of Waggador.
PGD (5,1) 1 Coode’s
Warringah’s The Bluff JW,
striking black with well
proportioned head and
kind expression. Moderate
length of neck into well
made front assembly, good
depth to brisket, stood on
well boned legs and neat
feet and the width over the
rear that I was looking for,
moved sound and steady.
More to come in terms of
maturity. RBD;
2 Hammond’s Davricanby
Pitch Perfect at
Littleeden, different type
but attractive for breed
type and balance. Masculine head and deep pools for eyes! Well made in front with
good depth through carrying correct bodyweight, well muscled wide thigh, in great
condition, moved sound. Not quite the topline of 1; 3 Bambrook’s Marshwiggle
Shakespeare at Ravoakar JW.
LD (4,2) 1 Davey’s Clanfield Rosy Outlook, black boy that filled my eye for breed
type and balance. Masculine head without a hint of coarseness, good eye shape and
colour giving kind expression. Well made in front with good depth to brisket, mature
in rib, short coupled, strong quarters. Nothing exaggerated, just flowed when
handled, moved sound with enthusiasm covering the ground with ease using his
otter tail perfectly level. To be critical I would prefer a little more weight on his back to
enhance the picture. BD; 2 Godden’s Woodmist Coldplay, yellow of very different
type to 1, much more of him. Masculine head with kind expression, sound on the
move. Not quite the front of 1.
OD (4,3) 1 Davey’s Clanfield Bounty, litter brother to Limit winner and similar
comments apply but in yellow! Not quite the hind action of his brother today but a
useful sort.
BD (6,1) 1 Jenner’s Lyjansen Simba’s Savanna, masculine head on this yellow with kind
expression. Well made in front, developed in rib and good depth. Wide over the rear,
accurate footfall on the move, striking in profile; 2 M Stark at A; 3 C Silver Hawthorn.
V 7-9 years D/B (8, 3) 1 Harvey Major and Bambrook’s Linjor Sessile Oak at
Ravoakar ShCM VW, beautifully made mature yellow male with so much va va voom,
RBIS and Reserve Best Bitch was Joyce Harris’ Willowrush
Ramsholt Flo with judge Michael Master.
obviously thinks he is a teenager! So sound on the move but would like a shade of
weight off of him. BVIS; 2 Double and Harris’ Lembas All That Jazz, a yellow ’golden
girl’ of lovely breed type and in great condition. Moved sound on the move holding
level top line. Pushed 1 all the way; 3 Burnell’s Rotherburn Ulysses.
V 10+ yrs D/B (0)
FT D/B (1) 1 Venturi Rose’s Leospring Tiffin, pretty feminine headed black girl with
an expressive eye. Beautifully made front, carrying the correct weight and in such
gleaming condition with well muscled quarters. Moved sound fore and aft.
Working D/B (4) 1 Venturi Rose’s Leospring Magnet, this black lad has a masculine
well shaped head, moved sound with such confidence, carrying correct bodyweight
and holding a level topline; 2 Saunders’ Rossclyde Vital Spark, black girl of similar
make and shape as 1 with pretty head and eye and well made front. Covered the
ground with flowing movement, great muscletone; 2 Burnell’s Rossclyde Highland
Mist at Rotherburn.
Show/Working D/B (1) 1 Hodge’s Naiken Classic Cliché, I really liked this mature
chocolate lady for her beautiful head, balance and breed type. I found her such quality
to go over from her correct front through her mature rib and lovely width over the
rear. Good tail and tailset, correct bend of stifle, moved sound covering the ground
with ease. In my shortlist.
MPB (7,2) 1 Hodge’s Naiken Glass
Slippers, what a cracking chocolate
baby and daughter to Classic Cliché
I see. One of the youngest in the
class but could not be denied her
win. Pretty, feminine head,
moderate neck into well made front
with good depth for age. Strong
quarters with good width to thigh.
Moved with accurate footfall,
holding a level topline and using
her otter tail to advantage. Showing
so much promise. BPB and BPIS;
2 Metcalfe’s Baileydale Flo Milli,
thought this was my winner on the
stack. Pretty black, loved her head
and eye. Well made front with big
ribs, strong quarters. Not so tidy
behind on the move and dropped
her topline a little today; 3 Mount’s
Buckholt Jesse Jennifer.
PB (5,3) 1 Porter’s Winnellands
Vanilla Sky, pale yellow with a
pretty head of good proportions, Best Dog was Alan Davey’s Clanfield Rosey Outlook
pictured in his class.
expressive eyes and rich pigmentation.
Nicely developed in body with well
sprung ribs and carrying correct
bodyweight. Short coupled and firm
top line, lovely width over the rear.
Moved sound on neat feet; 2 Bysouth’s
Luckswarren Larksong, different in
type to 1 but nicely put together. She
needs to lose a little puppy fat but held
a good shape in profile, moving sound.
Not so short coupled as 1
JB (6,1) 1 Venturi Rose’s Leosprings
East Tennessee, just couldn’t keep my
eyes of this black, caught my eye for her
beautiful breed type and balance,
presenting such a striking outline in
profile. Everything appeared to flow
seamlessly into the next without a hint
of exaggeration. Loved her head, strong
front assembly, correct body and her
great width over the rear that I look for.
Moved with such accuracy. BB and BIS;
2 Boulden’s Rumhill Emeral Star,
quality chocolate, constructed so well throughout, thick thighs and good width over
the rear. Moved sound. Not quite the head of 1; 3 King’s Linthwaite Arabella.
MB (6,3) 1 Mount’s Buckholt Honeybee Harriet, this yellow appealed for her breed
type with lovely head and eye. Well made up front with good depth to forechest,
nicely ribbed and good width over the rear. Thick, well muscled thighs, moved sound
when settled; 2 L Larksong; 3 Cox’s Ramalley Hussy.
NB (6) 1 Venturi Rose’s Leosprings East Indie, litter sister to my ultimate BIS winner
and similar attributes apply but in chocolate! They are peas in a pod and I am sure
they have and will change places. How lucky to own these two beauties? In my
shortlist; 2 B Flo Milli.
GB (7,2) 1 Double and Harris’ Willowrush Ramsholt Flo, yellow with the best
balance of the class. Pretty head, moderate neck into sound front assembly and lovely
width over the rear. Although she is of different to my ultimate BIS winner she is a
beautiful specimen of the breed. Moved sound fore and aft, holding a good profile
shape. She needs to shed a few pounds and had to pay the penalty. RBB and RBIS;
2 Beecham’s Baileydale Rondo, another good type of yellow with appealing head
and eye. Not quite the balance of 1, moved ok; 3 Hobby’s Icarus Call Me Madam.
PGB (4,2) 1 Double and Harris’ Willowrush Iken Indie, I found this yellow to have
good angulation both ends which gave her the edge when moving, over 2. Thought she
was a little overdone, especially in cheek, but she is carrying too much weight to be fair.
Best puppy was Jackie and Becci Hodge’s Naiken
Glass Slippers handled by Becci.
Mature in body with good
depth and lovely width over
the rear; 2 King’s Linthwaite
Saffron, mature yellow with
prettier head than 1. Well made
in front with good depth,
moved sound with level
topline but not quite the
extension or flow of 1.
LB (7,5) 1 Beecham’s Princess
Leia at Baileydale (Imp Ita),
yellow with shapely head,
strong front with good depth.
Well angulation both ends
which enabled the desired
reach and drive on the move;
2 Mount’s Buckholt
Blackbird Bessie, black,
although of lovely type and
good construction she didn’t make the best of herself, lacked confidence and
appeared to slink around the ring.
OB (1) 1 Saunders’ Rossclyde Highland Dancer, mature black with lovely head and
eye. Scored in front with excellent ribs and good width over the rear. Moved sound
with enthusiasm.
BB (5,2) 1 L Arabella, 3rd in
Novice. Pulled herself together in
this class to show off her attributes
to advantage;
2 L Larksong; 3 Spratt’s Briwed
Flo Nightingale.
Brace D/B (4,2) 1 Saunders’;
2 Mount’s.
Progeny D/B (1,1).
Elaine Saunderson Memorial
Stakes (7,5) 1 L Arabella;
2 Welford’s Othamcourt Penny
Lane to Ankari.
Judge: Michael Masters
Best veteran in show was Karen and Carey Bambrook’s Linjor
Sessil Oa at Ravoakar handled by Karen.
Reserve best puppy in show and BPD was Andy and Jo
Metcalfe’s Baileydale Puff Daddy handled by Andy.
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