Kent, Surrey & Sussex Labrador Retriever Club
Matterley Estate Novice Labrador Retriever Stake
27th October, 2022
27th October, 2022
Report by Patrice Fellows Photos Linda Grinham
Winners, judges and field trial secretary at the end of the day.
On Thursday 27th October KSSLRC returned to The Matterley Estate, Hampshire, for our first Novice Labrador Retriever Stake of the season. We are very grateful to the landowner Mr Peveril Bruce for his continuing support of our sport in difficult times. Keeper Matt Silk and his beaters produced a steady supply of high-flyingduck, and John O’Dowd’s super team of guns David Parry, Tim Rayworth, Nigel Foreman and Darren Moore provided plenty of game on the ground for the 14 competitors.
After a wet start, cloud cover and a steady breeze provided favourable conditions for both guns and dogs at Otto’s Clump, where two fields of newly planted crop and grass were divided by a hedgerow. Competitors were positioned in the right field with Judges Roger Wade and Mandy Smith and on the left with Louie Robertson and Kelvin Nettleingham.
A very heavy drive saw several casualties in the first round that halved the card, not least for a 3-dog eyewipe by the judges of a live bird tucked deep into the hedgerow.
Seven dogs survived to complete four successful retrieves of wounded and dead game across the two fields, through cover and into the wood. Their ability to hold the line, often at long distances, and ignore the distraction of so much game on the ground was well appreciated by the gallery. A second lighter drive followed at Farm Pen on a sloping bank of new crop bordered by hedgerow and wood, set against a stunning view of the South Downs. One more round of two retrieves each reduced the card to three deserving winners.
Many thanks to our panel of judges for their fairness and expertise, and for giving up their time in such a busy period of the season. The club is also indebted to its efficient helpers who made the trial possible: Sarah Burnell, Penny Davies, Linda Grinham, Katherine Impey, Chris Rose, Linda Saunders and Helen Vidotto. Although not all dogs were given the opportunity to shine, most competitors stayed for the day, took a keen interest in the trial and created a great atmosphere. Thanks also to Skinner’s for the award certificates and prizes, and to KSS member John Boyle for securing the ground and Guns.
1st and winner of The Pettings Shoot Trophy, Mitforton Tuscany, owned and handled by Robert Smallman.
2nd and winner of The Collinwood Cup, The Langshott Trophy for Best Looking Labrador in the Awards and Guns’ Choice, Skyshot Seely
At Wephamdown, owned and handled by Kate Bollen.
C.O.M. Millerise Jemima, owned and handled by Janice Miller.